Ir-192 Sources

Co-60 Sources

Bebig Co0.A86

Flexisource Co60

Bebig Co0.A86 Source Results

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Source Geometry

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Gráfica de la fuente

The Bebig Co0.A86 source was modeled using two different shapes: a detailed, GD, and a simplified, GS, geometries. The source was considered as a cylindrical active core of Co-60 with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a length of 3.5 mm, surrounded by an air shell 0.1 mm thick. A cylindrical stainless-steel capsule 0.15 mm thick, with an internal diameter of 0.7 mm, an external diameter of 1.0 mm and a lenght of 5 mm. A rounded tip closed the structure for the GD source geometry and a flat tip closed the structure for the GS source geometry. A 5 mm length source cable, with a diameter of 0.9 mm, made with a interlaced stainless-steel was also included in the back end.

Composition (% in weight) and density of the materials used in the simulation:


Cobalt AISI 316L AISI 316L (cable) Water Air
H --- --- --- 11.1 0.073
C --- 0.03 0.03 --- 0.012
N --- 0.1 0.1 --- 75.032
O --- --- --- 88.9 23.608
Si --- 0.75 0.75 --- ---
P --- 0.045 0.045 --- ---
S --- 0.03 0.03 --- ---
Ar --- --- --- --- 1.274
Cr --- 17 17 --- ---
Mn --- 2 2 --- ---
Fe --- 65.545 65.545 --- ---
Ni --- 12 12 --- ---
Mo --- 2.5 2.5 --- ---
Co 100 --- --- --- ---
8.9 8.03 4.81 0.998 1.20x10-3 Density (g/cm3)

Air Kerma Strength

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Sk = (3.046 ± 0.007) x 10-7 U/Bq Sk = (3.046 ± 0.007) x 10-7 U/Bq


Angular variation of Air Kerma Strength for the source geometry GD. Table of values (14.3 KiB): Download

Angular variation of Air Kerma Strength for the source geometry GS. Table of values (14.3 KiB): Download

Dependencia angular de la tasa de kerma en aire

Figure: Air kerma strength per unit of activity at the reference distance, r0 = 1 m, as a function of θ, for the detailed GD (dots) and the simplified GS (thick solid line) source geometries. The thin solid line indicates the relative differences between both results (right y axis).

Dose Rate Constant

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Λ = 1.094 ± 0.003 cGy/(hU)Λ = 1.095 ± 0.003 cGy/(hU)

Radial Dose Function

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Radial dose function for the source geometry GD. Table of values (40.1 KiB): Download

Radial dose function for the source geometry GS. Table of values (40.1 KiB): Download


r(cm) GD GS
0.1 0.8240(5) 0.8237(5)
0.15 0.9582(6) 0.9576(6)
0.20 1.0353(7) 1.0341(7)
0.25 1.0707(7) 1.0693(7)
0.30 1.0767(7) 1.0759(7)
0.35 1.0669(7) 1.0664(7)
0.40 1.0516(8) 1.0508(8)
0.45 1.0392(8) 1.0383(8)
0.5 1.0291(8) 1.0286(8)
0.6 1.0185(8) 1.0177(8)
0.75 1.0102(8) 1.0081(8)
1 1.0000(9) 1.0000(9)
1.5 0.9894(9) 0.9890(9)
2 0.9794(10) 0.9783(10)
2.5 0.9712(11) 0.9713(11)
3 0.9638(12) 0.9618(12)
4 0.9471(13) 0.9472(13)
5 0.9335(14) 0.9313(14)
6 0.9150(15) 0.9153(15)
7 0.898(2) 0.897(2)
8 0.883(2) 0.883(2)
10 0.847(2) 0.846(2)
12 0.813(2) 0.807(2)
14 0.774(2) 0.775(2)
15 0.756(2) 0.758(2)
20 0.661(2) 0.658(2)

2D Anisotropy Function

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2D Anisotropy function for the source geometry GD. Table of values (zip 1.9 MiB): Download

2D Anisotropy function for the source geometry GS. Table of values (zip 1.9 MiB): Download

2D Dose Rates

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2D Dose rates for the source geometry GD. Table of values (zip 12.1 MiB): Download

2D Dose rates for the source geometry GS. Table of values (zip 12.1 MiB): Download


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[1] Granero D, Pérez-Calatayud J, Ballester F. Technical note: Dosimetric study of a new Co-60 source used in brachytherapy. Med Phys 2007;34:3485-8

[2] Selvam TP, Bhola S. Technical note: EGSnrc-based dosimetric study of the BEBIG 60Co HDR brachytherapy sources. Med Phys 2010;37:1365-70.

[3] Anwarul IM, Akramuzzaman MM, Zakaria GA. EGSnrc Monte Carlo-aided dosimetric studies of the new BEBIG 60 Co HDR brachytherapy source. J Contemp Brachytherapy 2013;5:148-56



1 As general rule, the values between parentheses indicate the uncertainty with coverage factor k=1, e.g 73.831(8) means 73.831 ± 0.008.

2 For the calculations of TG-43 parameters and functions the linear source approximation was assumed (L = 3.5 mm)

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Julio Almansa,
Last update: Thu Jun 30 00:14:44 2016 GMT